(0)By : James Clear
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
What if mastering your destiny hinged not on life-altering decisions, but the 37-second routines you dismiss as trivial? Atomic Habits reveals how your morning coffee ritual and late-night scrolls silently author your biography—one unconscious repetition at a time. But when science proves your identity is just borrowed clothing stitched from these threads… will you keep wearing yesterday’s mistakes, or rewrite the pattern before it rewrites you?
- Originally Published: 2018
- Publisher: Penguin Random House, 2018
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 320
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 9781847941831
- Access: Members
Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done
What if the greatest threat to your company isn’t a competitor’s innovation—but your own team’s inability to deliver? In Execution, seasoned leaders confront the brutal chasm between grand visions and chaotic reality, where every hesitation risks fortunes, careers, and the survival of empires. But when the true enemy is a culture of empty promises and deferred action, will you master the discipline to transform ambition into results… or become another ghost in the graveyard of unrealized potential?
- Originally Published: 2002
- Publisher: Crown Business, 2002
- Genre: Non-fiction
- Pages: 320
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0609610572
- Access: Members
(0)By : Angela Duckworth
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
What if the key to success isn’t talent, luck, or genius—but something you’ve underestimated your whole life? In Grit, Angela Duckworth shatters the myth of “natural-born brilliance,” exposing how relentless passion and perseverance—not innate skill—propel ordinary people to achieve the extraordinary. But when every failure becomes a lesson and every setback a test of resolve… will you crumble under doubt—or dig deeper to unlock the unstoppable force within?
- Originally Published: 2016
- Publisher: Scribner, 2016
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 352
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 9781501111105
- Access: Members
(0)By : Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People
What if every conversation you’ve ever had was secretly sabotaging your success? Dale Carnegie’s timeless guide cracks the code to human connection, where one misstep could condemn you to obscurity—or unlock a life of loyalty, power, and belonging. But when the mirror turns inward, and every smile, plea, and secret flaw is laid bare… will you master the art of influence, or remain forever at the mercy of those who do?
- Originally Published: October 1936
- Publisher: Vermilion
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 260
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0091906351
- Access: Members
(0)By : Seth Godin
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future
What if everything you’ve been taught about work is a lie? Linchpin by Seth Godin challenges you to confront the suffocating grip of conformity, where the “factory worker” mindset—obedient, replaceable, and shackled by fear—clashes with the explosive potential of your inner artist. Imagine a world where your survival hinges not on following rules but on defying them, where emotional labor and unapologetic creativity become your weapons against obsolescence. But when your deepest fears rise to sabotage your genius, will you surrender to the lizard brain—or rewrite the rules of what it means to matter?
- Originally Published: 2010
- Publisher: Piatkus Books, 2010
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 256
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0749953355
- Access: Members
(0)By : Carol S. Dweck
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
What if your greatest limitation isn’t lack of talent, but a lie you’ve been told your entire life? In Mindset, pioneering psychologist Carol S. Dweck unravels the invisible force that dictates success, love, and self-worth—exposing how a single belief can shackle your potential or set it free. But when failure strips away every excuse, will you cling to the comfort of ‘I can’t’… or rewrite the story of who you’re meant to become?
- Originally Published: 2006
- Publisher: Ballantine Books, 2007
- Genre: Non-fiction
- Pages: 320
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN-13: 9780345472328
- Access: Members
(0)By : Grant Cardone
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
What if your relentless pursuit of ‘realistic’ goals is secretly sabotaging your life? In The 10x Rule, Grant Cardone obliterates society’s obsession with incremental progress, forcing you to confront the explosive power of 10x thinking—or risk drowning in a sea of unmet potential. But when the cost of audacity becomes your deepest fears and excuses, will you shrink back to the comfort of average… or unleash the ruthless action required to claim the life you’ve truly craved? The clock is ticking—and mediocrity doesn’t sleep.
- Originally Published: 2011
- Publisher: Wiley, 2011
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 240
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0470627600
- Access: Members
(0)By : Robin Sharma
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
What if the life you’ve built is the very thing destroying you? In The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, a disillusioned lawyer abandons his Ferrari and fortune for Himalayan wisdom, chasing purpose beyond hollow success—but when ancient truths demand unimaginable sacrifice, he faces a haunting choice: cling to the prison of ambition or burn it all for freedom. What if the key to your soul lies in everything you’ve already lost… and you’re too afraid to let go?
- Originally Published: 1996
- Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers, 2009
- Genre: Fiction
- Pages: 236
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0007848423
- Access: Members
(0)By : Rhonda Byrne
The Secret
What if your mind’s deepest whispers could bend reality itself? The Secret unveils a timeless truth: Every thought you’ve ever had holds the power to reshape your life—or unravel it in a storm of unintended desires. But when the key to mastering this force lies buried in your darkest fears, will you dare to unlock it… or let the world you’ve dreamed of slip away forever?
- Originally Published: 2006
- Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words, 2006
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 198
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-1582701707
- Access: Members
(0)By : Patrick Bet-David
Your Next Five Moves: Master the Art of Business Strategy
What if the key to dominating your industry lies not in your next move, but the five after? In Your Next Five Moves, Patrick Bet-David transforms the ruthless strategy of chess grandmasters into a survival guide for entrepreneurs racing against invisible threats—burnout, rivals, and their own limiting beliefs. Imagine a world where every decision could unravel your empire or cement your legacy… but when your fiercest opponent is the reflection in the mirror, will you outthink the game—or become its pawn?
- Originally Published: August 18, 2020
- Publisher: Gallery Books, 2020
- Genre: Non-fiction
- Pages: 320
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 9781982154813
- Access: Members