- (0)By : Dale Carnegie
The Art of Public Speaking
What if your voice could move mountains—but your fear keeps it buried? Dale Carnegie’s The Art of Public Speaking arms you with the tools to turn trembling into triumph, transforming anxiety into electrifying authority. But when the crowd’s eyes lock onto yours, will you rise as the hero of your own story… or let silence write your epitaph?
- Originally Published: 1915
- Publisher: Insight Press, 2019
- Genre: Self-Help
- Pages: 200
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 9789391244613
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Angela Duckworth
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
What if the key to success isn’t talent, luck, or genius—but something you’ve underestimated your whole life? In Grit, Angela Duckworth shatters the myth of “natural-born brilliance,” exposing how relentless passion and perseverance—not innate skill—propel ordinary people to achieve the extraordinary. But when every failure becomes a lesson and every setback a test of resolve… will you crumble under doubt—or dig deeper to unlock the unstoppable force within?
- Originally Published: 2016
- Publisher: Scribner, 2016
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 352
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 9781501111105
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Ray Dalio
Principles: Life and Work
What if the greatest obstacle to your success isn’t the world’s chaos—but the lies you tell yourself? In Principles, Ray Dalio unveils a ruthless blueprint for confronting reality’s sharp edges, where ego crumbles, pain becomes fuel, and radical truth rewires how you live, lead, and love. But when every decision demands staring into the mirror of your deepest flaws… will you cling to comfort—or let the truth set you free?
- Originally Published: September 2017
- Publisher: Avid Reader Press, 2019
- Genre: Non-fiction
- Pages: 592
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-1501124020
- Access: Members
- (0)
What Got You Here Won’t Get You There: How Successful People Become Even More Successful
What if the very behaviors that catapulted you to success are now your greatest liability? In What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, a top executive discovers that subtle flaws—like winning too relentlessly or dismissing others’ ideas—risk unraveling a career built on relentless drive. But when confronting these blind spots forces a choice between ego and evolution, will clinging to old habits cost everything they’ve fought to achieve… or reveal the ruthless truth about what it takes to stay on top?
- Originally Published: 2007
- Publisher: Grand Central Publishing, 2007
- Genre: Non-fiction
- Pages: 256
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-1401301309
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Grant Cardone
The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
What if your relentless pursuit of ‘realistic’ goals is secretly sabotaging your life? In The 10x Rule, Grant Cardone obliterates society’s obsession with incremental progress, forcing you to confront the explosive power of 10x thinking—or risk drowning in a sea of unmet potential. But when the cost of audacity becomes your deepest fears and excuses, will you shrink back to the comfort of average… or unleash the ruthless action required to claim the life you’ve truly craved? The clock is ticking—and mediocrity doesn’t sleep.
- Originally Published: 2011
- Publisher: Wiley, 2011
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 240
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0470627600
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
What if the secret to wealth was taught by two fathers—but only one could save you from financial oblivion? Robert Kiyosaki navigates a lifelong tug-of-war between his “Poor Dad’s” dogma of safe jobs and steady paychecks, and his “Rich Dad’s” ruthless blueprint for making money work instead of worry. But when stability masks stagnation and risk hides reward, which path leads to true freedom—and which leaves you enslaved to a system designed to drain your dreams?
- Originally Published: 1997
- Publisher: Plata Publishing, 2017
- Genre: Personal Finance
- Pages: 336
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-1612680019
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Chris Guillebeau
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days
What if you could escape the 9-to-5 grind without risking your paycheck? Chris Guillebeau’s Side Hustle unveils a clandestine 27-day blueprint to turn hidden skills into life-changing income—all while clinging to the safety net of your day job. But when the line between security and stagnation sharpens, will you cling to comfort or ignite the hustle that could rewrite your future before the window slams shut?
- Originally Published: 2017
- Publisher: PAN MACMILLAN U.K, 2019
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 277
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-1509859085
- Access: Members
- (0)By : Seth Godin
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? How to drive your career and create a remarkable future
What if everything you’ve been taught about work is a lie? Linchpin by Seth Godin challenges you to confront the suffocating grip of conformity, where the “factory worker” mindset—obedient, replaceable, and shackled by fear—clashes with the explosive potential of your inner artist. Imagine a world where your survival hinges not on following rules but on defying them, where emotional labor and unapologetic creativity become your weapons against obsolescence. But when your deepest fears rise to sabotage your genius, will you surrender to the lizard brain—or rewrite the rules of what it means to matter?
- Originally Published: 2010
- Publisher: Piatkus Books, 2010
- Genre: Self-help
- Pages: 256
- Book Type: Hardcopy
- ISBN: 978-0749953355
- Access: Members