How the World Works

What if the systems controlling your life were designed to keep you powerless—and you didn’t even know it? In How the World Works, Noam Chomsky dismantles the invisible machinery of corporate fascism and geopolitical manipulation, exposing how profit-driven empires shape wars, economies, and even your thoughts. But when you realize your compliance fuels the chaos, one question remains: Will you keep feeding the beast—or dare to dismantle it?

  • Originally Published: 2010
  • Publisher: Hamish Hamilton, 2022
  • Genre: Non-fiction
  • Pages: 336
  • Book Type: Hardcopy
  • ISBN: 9780241145388
  • Access: Members
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Author: Noam Chomsky


The essential introduction to Chomsky’s political ideas

An eye-opening introduction to the timelessly relevant ideas of Noam Chomsky, this book is a penetrating, illusion-shattering look at how things really work

“Arguably the most important intellectual alive.” —The New York Times

Offering something not found anywhere else, How the World Works is pure Chomsky, but tailored for those who are new to his work. The book is made up of meticulously edited speeches and interviews, and every dazzling idea and penetrating insight is kept intact and delivered in clear, accessible, reader-friendly prose.

Originally published as a series of short works—What Uncle Sam Really WantsThe Prosperous Few and the Restless ManySecrets, Lies and Democracy; and The Common Good—these volumes together sold nearly 600,000 copies. Now collected into one comprehensive anthology, How the World Works reveals how Chomsky’s then-revolutionary ideas have only become more relevant as time has gone by.

From the concept that extreme wealth and democracy cannot exist side-by-side; to how the assumptions of mainstream media purposefully limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion; to the decline of unions and workers’ rights thanks to corporations and their unconstrained quest for profit, Chomsky’s prescient theories of the future—not only the future of the United States, but of the world—make it very clear that our society is paying the price now for not heeding him then.


Praise for How the World Works

“The world’s greatest public intellectual”  ~ Observer

“One of the finest minds of the twentieth century”  ~ The New Yorker

“When the sun sets on the American empire, as it will, as it must, Noam Chomsky’s work will survive.”  ~ Arundhati Roy

“A rebel without a pause.” ~ Bono

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